I meant what I said about leaving the alarm clock off. I woke up at around 1130 after an amazing night’s sleep. I’d like to thank all the people at Tylenol for making the Tylenol PM tablets. They work wonders. I went over to the shop and hung around for a little while, and then cruised the Haji Market to see what was there. I found a couple movies and the Dexter Season 4 box set. Of course, they’re all black market type movies, but hey, as long as I can see them, I’m ok with it. I haven’t looked at them yet, as I left my bag in the office and someone locked it up when they left and I don’t have a key. I’ll have to get the bag tomorrow and check them out then. I cruised around camp in the daylight to see things from a new perspective. There are a couple gyms here on camp, but nothing like what I’m used to. Thankfully, my personal trainer and good friend Omar has taught me enough over the past 7 months of training to get me by with the equipment we do have here. I just looked around and smiled, knowing what Omar would say if he was here. “You make it work…make it feel it” he would say in his deep Panamanian accent. Man, I miss that guy. Working out is going to be a staple in my daily routine for sure. It almost has to be with all the food that is here. I may not be ripped and shredded after 6 months, but I will be huge. 225 pounds isn’t out of the question when this is all said and done. My biggest concern right now is my cardio. I’m way out of shape cardio-wise, so the bike will have to help me get some of that back until I decide to run a little. I just don’t think my bad ankles will like me too much if I go running on all these rocks and stones. My back is already bad enough too.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I went to the PX and there really is nothing there. It’s a good thing that I have pretty much everything I need to survive. I didn’t get my door built for my room, but I did procure a metal wall locker today that was outside, and I found a piece of plywood in a pile that will fit perfectly as my door. I’ll have to get some tools and stuff and put it up tomorrow. With a wall locker and a door, I’m sure to feel very closed in…more than how it feels already. It’s not as bad as it sounds though. It’s about 2200 now and I’m about to watch Good Luck Chuck on my laptop. Today was slow, but tomorrow I get to meet my Afghan Army guys and see where we stand as far as work goes. I’m looking forward to that, and to making a difference in their lives and how they do things. I pray that God will bless me with the wisdom and knowledge to do my best at what I do, and be able to convey things clearly to the Afghans. I truly WILL make a difference here despite all the barriers and challenges. I’m determined to do that no matter what I face.
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